Getting Started with Discussion Board

Table of Contents

Once you’ve installed and activated Discussion Board, the plugin will automatically add three new pages to your site:

  • Topics: this page contains the [discussion_topics] shortcode which will display existing topics in a table or list
  • Log In: this page will display a log-in and registration form using the [discussion_board_login_form] shortcode
  • New Topic: this page contains the [discussion_board_form] which will display a form for users to post new topics

You can change the titles of these pages and add further content if you wish but the pages should always contain the shortcodes to ensure the plugin functions correctly.

If you don’t wish to use the plugin’s log-in form, you can delete the Log In page.

For further details of the shortcodes added to these pages, including parameters and alternatives, please take a look at this page.

These pages are all you need for Discussion Board to work on your site.

Settings #

The plugin will also create a new menu item – Discussion Board. Here you can see a list of all topics that have been posted. You can also configure the plugin settings by clicking on Discussion Board > Settings:

For general settings, such as updating front-end content, or changing moderation, posting or notification settings, read the article on the General tab.

For design and layout settings, read the article on the Design tab.

For user and permission settings, take a look at the article on the User tab.