
Got any questions before you buy the plugin? You can post them here and we'll get straight back to you.

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    • Topic
    • Replies
    • Freshness
    • Voices
    • WP Members integration / compatibility

      I have a member website using WP Members to manage the restricted content. I would like to use the WP Discussion Board to run a discussion forum. Can your plugin integrate with the WP...

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      Posted by: Reggie Scott
      Replies: 3
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    • Samples

      Hi! Are there any sites that you could provide as samples, other than this one? Also, in order to add to the thread, is the user required to register?

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      Posted by: Carolina Tiuso
      Replies: 2
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    • membership management integration

      I'll be using the Wishlist plugin to create a member site, and would like to use DBPro to run the forums for the paying members within the site. Can the DBPro members be automatically...

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      Posted by: Lee Busch
      Replies: 4
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    • Search and Private Messaging?

      Hi, Is there a way to integrate search functionality in the forum?  And is it possible for forum members to contact each other? Thanks! Ilana

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      Posted by: Ilana ...
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    • Upgarde

      I upgraded and there are no settings when only upgrade is activated. No instructions. I am very disappointed. Sent email no response.  

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      Posted by: Scott Pike
      Replies: 5
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    • Editing topics in the dashboard

      A client are interested in your pro plugin. My question is, will they be able to edit or delete their own topics and those of members in the plugin dashboard itself, or will they...

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      Posted by: Christiaan Bekker
      Replies: 1
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