WP Discussion Board Features

WP Discussion Board is an easy way to add a discussion board, message board or simple forum to your WordPress site. The plugin creates a new post type, allows you to add a front-end log-in and registration form and decide who has access to your WP Discussion Board. We offer a free version and Pro version of the plugin.

FeatureFree VersionPro Version
User login / registration forms
Register user as specific role
Require activation for user registrations
Admin approval for user registrations
Hide wp-login.php
Restrict access by user role
Restrict usage by user role
Anti-spam protection
New topic moderation
Board permissions
Child boards
Subscribe to board
Follow topics
User profiles
WYSIWYG editing
Media uploads
Categories and tags
Widgets (Recent topics and replies)
Top posters and top commenters
Simple styles to match theme
Shortcodes for archives, recent topics and login form
Enqueue / Dequeue theme styles easily
Filters and actions for extending the plugin

WP Discussion Board Pro Features

We also offer a Pro version of the plugin which takes WP Discussion Board to the next level by adding tons more forum functionality on top of what already exists in the free version. The Pro version which is for sale on this website includes:


WP Discussion Board Pro allows you to create sub-forums within your site. Your users can choose which board to allocate their topics to, allowing you to keep your forum nicely organized and helping your users find the topics they’re most interested in.

Each board is SEO-ready and can display a thumbnail image, description, and meta data, including:

  • Number of topics within the board
  • Number of replies to topics within the board
  • Time since content was last added to the board (freshness)
  • Number of users interacting on the board, either posting topics or replying to topics (voices)

Recent or most popular topics are listed below the meta data

WP Discussion Board - Multiple Boards

WP Discussion Board Settings

Board Permissions

You can specify different access permissions by role for each board. So one board could be open to anyone to post on, and another board could only be available to users with a certain role, e.g. subscriber, customer, to post on. One board could be viewable by anyone, another board could only be viewed by admins. And so on.

Child Boards

WP Discussion Board Pro allows you to create sub-forums within your site. Your users can choose which board to allocate their topics to, allowing you to keep your forum nicely organized and helping your users find the topics they’re most interested in.

Subscribe to Board

Users can choose to subscribe (follow) specific boards in order to receive email notifications of any new topic or reply posted on that specific board.

Follow Topics

In WP Discussion Board Pro, users can subscribe to (follow) any topic they wish. They’ll receive an email notification whenever another user leaves a reply on the followed topic.

Users can choose to un-follow a topic at any time.

Admin Approvals

The admin approvals feature allows you to decide who can join your discussion board. When a new user registers for your site, you’ll receive an email with the user’s details and a link to approve the registration. If you decide not to approve the user, they won’t be able to post.

WP Discussion Board Follow Topic
WordPress Discussion Board User Profiles

User Profiles

With user profiles, you can choose to display selected user information about each user on a dedicated page. Information includes:

  • Biographical details for the user
  • Date of joining
  • Number of topics posted
  • Number of replies posted
  • In addition, you can also choose to display:
  • A feed of topics started by the user
  • A feed of replies made by the user
  • A feed of topics followed by the user


WP Discussion Board Pro gives you the option to enable a WYSIWYG editor on the front-end.

Media Uploads

WP Discussion Board Pro allows you to enable image uploads for new topics.

Categories and tags

You can define categories and tags for topics. Users can allocate their new topics to pre-existing categories and/or tags or you can choose to allow them to define their own.

WP Discussion Board WYSIWYG
WP Discussion Board Recent Topics and Replies Widget

Theme friendly

WP Discussion Board Pro is happy working with any WordPress theme. It has neutral styling and you can easily use custom CSS if you wish.

Recent Topics and Recent Replies widgets

WP Discussion Board Pro ships with a number of different widgets which can be added to your websites sidebar to display the most recent topics, replies and user data.

Top Posters and Top Commenters

Display lists of most active users

WP Discussion Board Pro Pricing

Backed by our 14 day money back guarantee. We stand behind our product 100%.

LIMITED TIME SPECIAL OFFER! We’re currently discounting all of our premium plans. Save up to $20!


normally $109


per year until cancelled

License Includes:

Unlimited Sites
Plugin updates
Email / forum support

Pro Features:

User Profiles
Media Uploads
Categories & Tags
Advanced Permissions
Following & Notifications
Admin Approvals


normally $69


per year until cancelled

License Includes:

1 Site
Plugin updates
Email / forum support

Basic Features:

User Profiles
Media Uploads
Categories & Tags
Advanced Permissions
Following & Notifications
Admin Approvals

Free Version

We also have a free version of the plugin available with limited features. If you’d like to use the this version of the plugin, use the button below to download it.