The General tab has the main settings for the plugin. This includes settings for the pages that are created when the plugin is activated, front-end messages, and options for posting new topics and for registration and log-in.
In your dashboard, go to Discussion Board > Settings.
Pages #
New topic form page
This is the page on your site where users can add new topics. It should contain the [discussion_board_form]
which displays the New Topic form.
Discussion topics page
The page where your Discussion Topics are displayed. The [discussion_topics]
shortcode should be on this page.
Log-in form page
The page that displays your log-in form. The [discussion_board_login_form]
shortcode should be on this page.
All these pages will have been automatically created when you activated the plugin (version 2.0.0 and up). For more information on which pages are created when the plugin is activated, please see this article.
Redirect on log-in
Set this option to redirect the user to this page when they log in.
Messages #
Archive title
The page title on your archive page.
New topic message
Message to display to the user above the new topic form.
Restricted message
Display this content to a user who doesn’t have access, e.g. they are not logged in or do not have sufficient privileges.
Log In and Registration #
Hide WP Login
This will prevent access to the standard wp-login.php page. All users will need to log in via the front-end log-in / registration form. The only exception to this is for users who require password retrieval.
For this option to work correctly, you must ensure the ‘Log-in form page’ (above) is set correctly.
Hide log-in form with restricted content?
Enable this if you don’t want to offer the log-in / registration form to users who are trying to access content when they’re not logged in. Use this option if you have your own log-in / registration process that you want to follow.
Prevent wp-admin access
Redirect users away from the dashboard and hide the toolbar on the front-end.
Add check to registration form to prevent spam
Add an additional field to the registration form requiring the user to confirm their humanity.
Posting #
Publish new topic without moderation
Select this option to publish all new topics immediately; deselect it to set new topics to draft.
Prevent user re-posting
Set a minimum time before users can post a new topic.
Notifications #
Email address for notifications
By default, notifications will go to the site admin. Enter a different address here if you prefer.
Enable poster notification opt-out
Select this option to allow users who post a new topic to choose not to receive notifications of comments on that topic.