Design Questions



Sorry about the multiple posts… just trying to get this up and running today.

I have some design questions.

  1. We only need one Board. On the page that contains the Board, I’d like to put a little introduction and instructions on how to use it (I don’t want this all to have to be contained in the Board “Description” area.) However, all text displays below the Board, even if I’ve entered it above the shortcode on the page. How do I insert content above the Board instead of below it?
  2. Our Board is for meetings. I’d like to change the word “Topic” or “Topics” to “Meeting” or “Meetings” on the Board page, the topics archive, and the single topic page.
    I tried to do this on the Board page by inserting this into “functions.php” but so far I don’t see any changes.

function myprefix_change_ctdb_titles( $titles ) {
$titles[‘started’] = ‘Posted’;
return $titles;
add_filter( ‘ctdb_topic_titles’, ‘myprefix_change_ctdb_titles’ );

$titles = array(
‘avatar’ => ”,
‘topic’ => __( ‘Meeting’, ‘discussion-board’ ),

I’d like to know what I’m doing wrong before tackling the other pages.

3. Since I’m (obviously) pretty new to all this, can you tell me… if I make changes to whatever pages need to be changed, will they be overwritten by plugin updates? Do I need to create a child theme? If I do need to make a child theme, I won’t have time to do that for a bit… if you can confirm that there will be no automatic updates, I’ll go ahead and make the changes and then re-add them into a child theme in a few weeks if necessary.

Thank you for your help! Sorry about all the questions.

  • Catapult ThemesCatapult Themes

    Hi Stormy

    1. This is a bug you've found. There will soon be an update to the plugin, version 1.6.3, available in your dashboard which will fix it.
    2. Use something like this in functions.php:

    function stormy_change_labels( $fields ) {
    	$fields['topic']['label'] = __( 'Meetings', 'discussion-board-pro' );
    	return $fields;
    add_filter( 'ctdb_boards_fields','stormy_change_labels' );

    3. If you add code like 2 above in your functions.php, it will probably get overwritten by a theme update. For that reason, create a child theme and add the code there. Updates to the plugin won't make any difference because you're not adding or editing the plugin code.
