Subscribers images not displaying




I am using WP Discussion Board Pro. I am trying to set up a forum/discussion board and have run through all the settings. The problem I am having is that Subscribers seem to have the ability to upload images using the Add Media button but after submitting a post there is no sign the image was ever uploaded. It seems only Administrator images will display after posting.

I have searched for a similar problem here but have not seen anything related to my issue. I have thoroughly read through the setup documentation but nothing seems related to permissions or images/media.

I have tested on a live site as well as a local clean wp install and both have the same issue.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.

  • I was able to resolve the issue. There were a couple of things that were going on.

    This is a multisite, so filtered HTML works a bit differently.
    By default, WordPress contributors and subscribers don't get the `upload_files` capability.
    WordPress was stripping out the image HTML in comments.

    I resolved the issue by:

    Installing the Members plugin
    Updating the contributor and subscriber roles to have the `upload_files` capability.
    Adding the following code to allow images in comments:


    function ( $data ) {
    global $allowedtags;
    $allowedtags['img'] = array(
    'class' => array(),
    'src' => array(),
    'alt' => array(),
    'width' => array(),
    'height' => array(),

    return $data;