I am using your pro plugin and I have a problem here.
Only registered users can able to add new topic and apply comments. For that we have selected Permitted poster roles: subscribers but add new topic button and comments form not displaying.
I am using your pro plugin and I have a problem here.
Only registered users can able to add new topic and apply comments. For that we have selected Permitted poster roles: subscribers but add new topic button and comments form not displaying.
You must be logged in to post a comment.
I got your reference from this https://wordpress.org/support/topic/new-topic-button-missing-from-boards/
This link is broken https://discussionboard.pro/discussion-topics/new-topic-button-not-appearing-on-board-pages/
Hi Joseph,
We recently changed our domain, so the thread you are referencing is now located at: https://wpdiscussionboard.com/discussion-topics/new-topic-button-not-appearing-on-board-pages/
Could you send me the link to your forum so that I can have a look? If you prefer, since you're a Pro user, you can send it via email to [email protected] so that it's not public.