
If you're running Discussion Board or Discussion Board Pro, post any support queries here.

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    • Configuring Boards in WP Discussion Board

      In the dashboard, go to Discussion Board > Settings > Boards to configure Boards settings. Boards meta fields (summary) Select which fields you’d like to display on the Boards summary: Boards meta fields (archive) Select which fields to...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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    • Making Boards compatible with your theme

      Boards uses a taxonomy template that might not immediately fit your theme. Because themes use different markup for their templates, it’s not always possible to get the board taxonomy to lay out correctly. To fix...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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    • Changing table headings

      If you are using the table view to display your archive of topics, you can change the column headings by using the following filter in your functions.php file: function filter_topic_titles( $titles ){   // Enter your titles, e.g.:  ...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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    • What are Boards?

      Boards is a new feature in Discussion Board Pro that allows you to organize your Topics into separate Discussion Boards much like you’d see with forums and sub-forums. For example, perhaps you are running...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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    • Hooking into the template files

      Each template – single-discussion-topics.php and archive-discussion-topics.php – has hooks at the start and end of the file. These hooks can be used to replace the opening and closing HTML tags. The templates are based on...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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    • Using table view

      If you prefer to display your topics in a table layout rather than using the default archive templates, you need to add the  shortcode to a page. Then, go to Settings > Discussion Topics > Design...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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    • Setting up Boards

      To enable Boards, go to Discussion Board > Settings > Boards and select the ‘Enable Boards’ checkbox. This will create a new taxonomy term, ‘Boards’. Go to Topics > Boards to start creating new Boards. In the...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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    • How to change column titles in the discussion_topics shortcode

      You can change column titles from the default like this: function myprefix_change_ctdb_titles( $titles ) { $titles['started'] = 'Posted'; return $titles; } add_filter( 'ctdb_topic_titles', 'myprefix_change_ctdb_titles' ); The default titles are: $titles = array( 'avatar' => '', 'topic' => __( 'Topic', 'discussion-board' ), 'replies' => __(...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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