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Discussion Board’s Categories tab functionality
Posted by: Mej de CastroThe Categories tab deals with options around Categories and Tags for topics. Allow categories Enable categories for the topics post type. Create categories Allow users to create new categories when they create a new topic. Always tags Enable tags for the...
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Discussion Board’s Profiles tab functionality
Posted by: Mej de CastroThe Profiles tab deals with user profiles. Profiles allow you to present user information on the front end, including selected contact details and feeds of topics and comments. Enable profiles Select to enable user profiles. Profiles tabs Select which...
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Allow anyone to view or post a topic
Posted by: Mej de CastroIt’s possible to let any user view or post a topic without having to register or log-in. In Discussion Board > Settings > User tab, make sure the ‘Permitted viewer roles’ and ‘Permitted poster...
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Add a log-in form to the sidebar
Posted by: Mej de CastroYou can add a log-in form to the sidebar by installing a plugin that will run shortcodes in widgets, e.g. https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/shortcode-widget/. Activate the plugin and add the widget to your sidebar. Use the shortcode to...
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Filter notification of new topic email text to followers
Posted by: Mej de CastroIf you have Board Following enabled, you can filter the text of the email that is sent to followers whenever a new topic is posted on a board. In your functions.php file, or other suitable place, add...
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- Posted by: Mej de Castro
If you would like to allow all users to view topics, whether they are logged in or not, you need to ensure that the ‘Permitted viewer roles’ field is empty. In your dashboard, go to...
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- Posted by: Mej de Castro
Boards are added via a shortcode. First, find the ID number of the Board you’d like to add. To do this, go to Topics > Boards and click on the Board. In the URL of...
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Configuring Boards in WP Discussion Board
Posted by: Mej de CastroIn the dashboard, go to Discussion Board > Settings > Boards to configure Boards settings. Boards meta fields (summary) Select which fields you’d like to display on the Boards summary: Boards meta fields (archive) Select which fields to...
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Making Boards compatible with your theme
Posted by: Mej de CastroBoards uses a taxonomy template that might not immediately fit your theme. Because themes use different markup for their templates, it’s not always possible to get the board taxonomy to lay out correctly. To fix...
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- Posted by: Mej de Castro
If you are using the table view to display your archive of topics, you can change the column headings by using the following filter in your functions.php file: function filter_topic_titles( $titles ){ // Enter your titles, e.g.: ...
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