I’m afraid I may have broken code when going back and forth between plugins?
Currently I have a test page at http://www.landmarkhomeowners.com/topics/
The format is off but can’t figure out how to correct? I did delete and reinstall the plugin. Do you have any pointers how to reinstall the plugin correctly?
I noticed a conflict with an existing plugin, I was using DW question answer pro, their team also had been working on the plugin code on my server. This plugin has been removed though.
Hi Bryce
Could you contact me direct on info[at]catapultthemes.com?
Hi Bryce
I've taken a look at your site. I guess that you're referring to the > signs everywhere? This is a theme issue. You need to add something like:
.text_styles ul > li:before {
display: none;
to your custom CSS.
Thank you Gareth for the help! Very impressed with the super quick customer support for your products!
You're welcome.