Dezar WP Discussion Board.
For our client Kalipso we set up a test environment on and installed your WP Discussion Board Pro to work with. Previously they used the free version with limitted settings, we updated it to the Pro version to get more settings to use.
Unfortiantly we still struggle with issues the client wants to resolve. Our biggest problem is that topics entered are being removed automaticaly after 30 day’s. And this is not what we want. We already try to fix things with setting up an archive, but we see in our overview the topics still are being removed after 30 day’s. We can’t find a solution.
Because this is a critical matter to set the website live, please could you look into this matter urgently.
Offcours we can gain you acces to whatever you need to, to help us out.
Thank you very much.
Jo Haex
CEO Loft 33
Hi Jo,
As per the email ticket, these were being removed by code in your theme.