New topic without logging in?



Can a user start a new topic without having to create account/login? Is this possible?

  • GarethGareth

    You can set Permitted Poster Roles to empty in Discussion Board > Settings > User tab which means anyone can create a new topic.

    • Thanks for the quick response! However, there is no empty option. Options are Admin, Editor, Author, Contributor, Subscriber, Web Designer. I can't seem to deselect any of the options either.

  • Got it now. Thanks Gareth! Hopefully last question for you... having trouble finding where you can specify replies on a topic. I tried checking "Allow comments" under Pro, also tried "Allow tags" under Categories, and also tried "Enable topic following" and "Enable board following" under Followers. Any other ideas?

  • Sure, like you and I are commenting on this topic I had created. Setting up these comments on a topic. When I create a new topic, there are no options to reply/comment beneath. I have tested on both browsers in which I am logged into the WP system and browsers in which I am not logged in.

    • Carolina TiusoCarolina Tiuso

      Jumping in to this convo, if the thread is public, can you still set it up so that replies must be moderated before going live?

  • Carolina TiusoCarolina Tiuso

    Thank you. Now if we do require registration, is there a way to disable the "log in" panel to appear on every page? We just want it to appear on the pages that have the forum/boards, not on every page of the website. Does that make sense?

    • GarethGareth

      Yes - the log-in form is added via a widget. So you'd need to have some kind of content-aware widget or use CSS to hide the form on the pages you don't want it.