WP Discussion Board is working perfectly on our pages: IBMandFriendsNRW.de! Thanks a lot!
I have one question: where can I define the sender of the notification eMail of a new topic or comment?
Best Regards, Albrecht
WP Discussion Board is working perfectly on our pages: IBMandFriendsNRW.de! Thanks a lot!
I have one question: where can I define the sender of the notification eMail of a new topic or comment?
Best Regards, Albrecht
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Hi Albrecht,
Glad to know WP Discussion Board is working perfectly on your website! To change the sender of the notification email, I would suggest using WPMailSMTP. This plugin has feature to declare email sender.
Thank you,
I had already installed WPMailSMTP. I changed the eMail-Id of the sender, but it did not word. Any other idea?
Regards, Albrecht
Hi Albrecht, Did the mailer you've selected properly set up or connected to your DNS? Is the email properly set on the "From Email" field?
Please refer to the attached images for our references.
From Email: