I am getting the attaached error when using WYSIWYG editor. It works normally, however it does not work when you reply to an existing post.
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I am getting the attaached error when using WYSIWYG editor. It works normally, however it does not work when you reply to an existing post.
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Hi Sam,
Thanks for the message. This was a bug that we've recently fixed and is part of the 1.8.10 release that we've just pushed out. Please could you update to 1.8.10 to fix this issue.
Hi I installed the update however I still cannot reply to a message. When I click to reply to a message in a post, the WYSIWYG text editor is not clickable.
Basically, the entire editor area is empty (no code in the iframe) and does not work. I can post new topics and reply to the thread, but replying to someone elses comments in a post will trigger this error. There is nothing in the debug. Please advise. You can see the issue if you login as a test user at http://cleverbirdserver.com/club/member-login/ as demo7:123123 and then go to http://cleverbirdserver.com/club/discussion-topics/ut-congue-risus-in-erat-consequat-finibus-4/
If you try replying to an existing item, the text editor box won't be clickable.
Please help :)
Hello did you get my last message thank you
Yes, I have the same problem, among a few others. I hope it gets solved or I will have top seek another discussion board solution.