Categories not showing



Hi- I am using Elementor and have the discussion board pro plugin. I’ve checked the box to allow categories (below) and when I click on “All Topics” I can see that both topic categories and topic tags are entered. However, when I go to the page, the category is not there (should be below the content per the setting I chose). This is a problem because I am trying to display only certain categories on applicable pages and the short code wont work without it recognizing the categories. Anyone know the fix? Thanks!


  • Thank you. This helped me be able to show the categories, but the short code still isnt working to show only certain topics:

    [discussion_topics orderby="freshness" order="DESC" cols="avatar,topic,replies,voices,freshness" categories="Test"]

    also tried

    [discussion_topics orderby="freshness" order="DESC" cols="avatar,topic,replies,voices,freshness" categories="test"]

    You can see below I have a post that is both categorized as "Test" and also tagged "Test" and I'm getting "There are no topics posted yet." on the page...

    Any thoughts?

    • Hi Collin,

      Have you tried this shortcode?

      [discussion_topics orderby="freshness" order="DESC" cols="avatar,topic,replies,voices,freshness" categories="4,9"]

      This one is working on our dummy site. :)