I am having a hard time implementing the admin approval feature. I have the pro version ($49 option) and can’t find the option in the settings to turn on the admin approval for new registrations. Can you direct me to the right location?
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Hi Kristy
It's on the User tab, https://discussionboard.pro/documentation/#user-tab, as the 'Require account activation' setting.
The solution you provided isn't quite what I am looking for.
The solution you provided essentially directed me to the following "require account activation" setting in your documentation here, https://discussionboard.pro/documentation/#user-tab
What I am looking for is the feature that you list on the bottom of the home page,
"Admin approvals for new registrations"
The admin approvals feature allows you to decide who can join your discussion board. When a new user registers for your site, you’ll receive an email with the user’s details and a link to approve the registration. If you decide not to approve the user, they won’t be able to post.
With the Pro version, you can set 'Require account activation' to 'Admin must approve'.
Great! Can you help me locate that feature. I own a pro version.
Yes. The 'Require account activation' setting is on the User tab.
I just have two options in the drop down menu
1. User must activate
2. None
Please ensure you have Discussion Board Pro installed and activated.
It’s definitely a pro version that is activated. Should I send you the license number?
Can you send me a screenshot of the plugins page showing the plugin activated?
Sure, what is your email?