
Got any questions before you buy the plugin? You can post them here and we'll get straight back to you.

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    • Conditional shortcodes in page template

      Hi there, I'm looking at purchasing this plugin for a website I'm building and I have a question; I'm building a custom theme for the website and I'm building the page templates myself. I would like...

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      Posted by: Hannah Morgan
      Replies: 2
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    • Is it possible to hide user identity?

      Hi, I am looking to create a forum for anonymous discussions. It has to show only nicknames, or let the users decide which of their identity will be displayed - for example email, first...

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      Posted by: Tal Eisner
      Replies: 1
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    • How big can you go?

      I've downloaded and installed the free version and am trying to see if it will meet our needs. We have a (now all-virtual) senior college with 14 courses starting a semester shortly. Each class...

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      Posted by: Clare Durst
      Replies: 1
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    • Persistant Log-in

      Is there a way to make log-in persistent?   I'm not sure my users are going to want to log-in every time they visit. I couldn't find any mention of it in the startup documentation.   Thanks Glenn

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      Posted by: Glenn Hull
      Replies: 2
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    • Upvoting

      Quite simply i want to use this plugin IF there is available a suitable upvoting plugin (like Reddits . Does one exist ? Any help much appreciated

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      Posted by: E Refson
      Replies: 1
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    • Directory or Gallery of users?

      Is there a way to display all the members of the forum/board? (all the profiles together?) For networking purposes, this is something I'd like to create in my implementation of your plugin. Thank you.

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      Posted by: Lee Busch
      Replies: 3
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    • Is there a search box for the board?

      I've been looking for a simple, clean board for a while and Discussion Board Pro is among the best I've seen. The only thing I don't see is a search box. Is there search...

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      Posted by: blair
      Replies: 11
      Voices: 8
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    • Access permissions by boards

      Hi there! I'm looking at buying the Pro unlimited version, and have a question about setting up access permissions by boards. If I have, say three boards - one general, one for people in working...

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      Posted by: Trevor Tymchuk
      Replies: 4
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