
    • Topic
    • Replies
    • Freshness
    • Voices
    • Change order of profile fields

      You can change the order of profile fields using the following filter in your functions.php file: function prefix_filter_profile_fields( $fields ){ // Enter your new fields order here return $fields; } add_filter( 'ctdb_profile_fields', 'prefix_filter_profile_fields' ); The $fields list looks like: $fields = array( 'display_name' => array( 'id'...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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    • Forum Post Post Teasers

      Is there the ability to have some posts/content be public facing/not have to have a membership to see? We are thinking of putting out some posts that are "teasers" to get people looking but...

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      Posted by: Meagan Parrish
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    • Add topics archive page to menu

      You can add your topics archive page to your menu by including it as a custom link. Go to Appearance > Menus and select the menu where you’d like to add the archive. From...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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    • Change permitted file types

      In the Pro version, it’s possible to allow users to upload an image as the featured image for the topic. By default, only png and jpg file types are permitted. However, you can change this...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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    • Filter wp_editor args

      In the Pro version, you can enable wp_editor on the new topic submission form, allowing users to add formatting. To change the parameters, you can add a filter, e.g.: function me_filter_editor_args( $args ) {   $args['teeny']...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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    • List of Discussion Board Shortcodes

      Discussion Board has the following shortcodes: – displays your new topic form to permitted users – displays a list of published topics like an archive. This shortcode accepts the following parameters: orderby – can be ‘date’, ‘title’,...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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    • Alternative templates when displaying topics

      Single Topics Each topic posted will appear on its own page. By default, this uses the theme’s default single.php template. The advantage of this is that your topic pages will fit perfectly into your theme. If...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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    • Discussion Board’s General tab functionality

      The General tab has the main settings for the plugin. This includes settings for the pages that are created when the plugin is activated, front-end messages, and options for posting new topics and for registration and...

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      Posted by: Mej de Castro
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