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Can’t reply to topics or topic’s reply section missing

There might be several reasons for this. When viewing a topic, the comment fields aren’t visible so it’s not possible to respond to the topic.

Here are the reasons why you can’t reply to topics or topic’s reply section missing:

  • You are not logged in. You must be logged in to post a comment.
  • Your theme template doesn’t include comments. Try switching to a standard theme like Singularity theme temporarily.
  • The option “Allow people to submit comments on new posts” was not enabled or checked? You can check it by navigating to your website dashboard > Settings > Discussions.
  • You have incorrect roles set for viewer / poster. Go to Discussion Board > Settings > User to ensure that users have the capability to view and post.
  • Some of the themes have an option to disable or enable the comment section. Make sure it is enabled.
  • You have an active plugin that disables comments.
  • You are using Elementor’s page template. The WPDB plugin is compatible with Elementor, but it may not seamlessly integrate with page builder template settings. To ensure its functionality, you can resolve this by creating a distinct header and footer for the forum post template, avoiding the use of the full site template. Additional adjustments can then be made in the global settings.